About the Associate Program
What is MAEBA?The Mid-Atlantic Environmental Balancing Association is a chapter of the National Environmental Balancing Bureau (NEBB), the largest certifying organization in the HVAC industry. MAEBA firms include balancing companies, as well as sheet metal and mechanical contractors. MAEBA is one of the largest NEBB chapters in the world, with over 40 firms, 56 certified professionals and 80 certified technicians. Some of the founding fathers of NEBB came from MAEBA. The chapter and its firms have a long and proud history in the industry. |
Why Become an Associate?Associates are vendors, manufacturers, distributors, or any business that provide professional services to MAEBA Certified Firms. As an Associate you can strengthen your ties to the contractors and potentially influence the purchasing decisions of balancing firms, sheet metal, mechanical contractors and engineers. As an Associate you will receive exposure in the MAEBA Tri-State area which includes Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware. You will be invited to MAEBA's two annual meetings, the MAEBA Semi-Annual Meeting in April of every year, with 90-100 attendees and the Annual Recertification Seminar in September of every year, with 100-120 attendees. As an Associate you will have an opportunity to have a vendor display table at each MAEBA meeting free of charge. MAEBA Firms are business professionals seeking state-of-the-art products, equipment and ideas to give them a competitive edge in the business market. You can be the source of that knowledge as an Associate. MAEBA Associates will also be given the opportunity to provide educational presentations at the two annual meetings. |
Associate LevelsAssociate Level - 1 (Contributor)The annual fee is $400.00 and your company will receive:Vendor Display Table - twice a year (includes electrical power) and Lunch for all attendees |
Associate Level - 2 (Sponsor)The annual fee is $600.00 and your company will receive:Vendor Display Table - twice a year (includes electrical power) and Lunch for all attendees Listing on the MAEBA Website with link from Associates webpage to your webpage |
Associate Level - 3 (Partner)The annual fee is $800.00 and your company will receive:Vendor Display Table - twice a year (includes electrical power) and Lunch for all attendees Listing on the MAEBA Website with link from Associates webpage to your webpage Listing in MAEBA In the Balance Newsletter, twice a year - one hard copy mailed and one sent electronically, distribution list currently at 475 |